Make teaser videos for your music

No video editing experience required

  • 📼 Don't need to be an editor
  • 🖥️ No experience needed
  • 🔥 Endless customisations

Everything you need for sharing your music

As simple as it gets

Happy Release Day was born out of the need to simplify the creation of videos that help artists, distributors, agencies and recording studios promote their work online.

No expensive software needed
...spend it on your music instead.
No timeline editing
Why learn motion graphics or video editing?
No time wasted
Why spend time learning how to make a video?
Quick & easy
Find the release, customise a couple of pre-set fields and hit "render".
Videos created in the cloud
Whatever device you use, you can create your video right now.
If you get value out of the videos you created, please consider one of the paid options to help me keep this free for others.

The quickest way to create your video assets

You control only a few pre-defined fields An infinite number of combinations for your videos.

Downloadable song samples
90+ million
On-demand video render
Possible combinations

Frequently asked questions

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Join the email list for future updates. I don't like spam (or writing emails) so don't expect a huge number of these. And of course you can unsubscribe whenever you want.

Make a video quickly
...and get back to making more music

Feeling overwhelmed trying to do it all on your own? Don't let it hold you back.
I made this site so you can focus on what you do best:
Creating awesome music for all of us to enjoy!

Have a question?